Vivianite in fossil shell

Kerchenskoe deposit, Kerchenskyi -ore basin, Kerch peninsula, Crimea peninsula, Crimea Oblast', Ukraine
Small Cabinet, 6.8 x 6.2 x 4.1 cm
Start Time: 01/22/2015 6:45:00 pm (CST)
End Time: 01/29/2015 6:45:00 pm (CST)
Auction Closed

Item Description

A rare, excellent and good sized specimen from the Kerch Peninsula. The interior of the fossilized mollusc shell is filled with dark sprays of lustrous, variably-sized Vivianite blades. Some the blades show a slight amount of gemminess when backlit, and colors range from black to blue. This phosphate pod deposit is now mined through and gone. It is extremely rare to obtain specimens today of this quality.

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