Sternbergite (Type Locality - RARE)

Jachymov (St Joachimsthal), Erzgebirge, Bohemia, Czech Republic
Thumbnail, 1.5 x 1.0 x 0.9 cm
Start Time: 03/16/2009 8:00:00 pm (CDT)
End Time: 03/26/2009 8:09:23 pm (CDT)
Auction Closed

Item Description

Sternbergite is a RARE silver, iron sulfosalt and this EXCELLENT, rich thumbnail is from the Type Locality - Jachymov, Bohemia, Czech Republic. Scintillating to moderate-luster, burnished, violet-blue sternbergite blades and crystals comprise this thumbnail, which is solid sternbergite. EYE-VISIBLE crystals of sternbergite are RARE and the large blade on the left side is 8 mm on this remarkable old specimen. VERY RARELY AVAILABLE in ANYTHING approaching this quality!! I have seen only a handful of such rich crystallized clusters of thismineral in some 12-13 years since I was first educated about it and have come to buy every one I do see, now, because they are so rare and desirable fo rmany collections. This piece overall is small, but the xls are of major quality and stature. Valued at $900 low to $1500 high - its hard to say, with something like this, maybe its even worth more as I have seen horrible blebs on rocks at 1000 EUROS at the munich show, every so often.

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