
Las Manforas Mine (Aliva Mine), Cantabria, Spain
Gems, 0.54 ct, 4.40 mm
Start Time: 11/24/2016 7:00:00 pm (CST)
End Time: 12/01/2016 7:00:00 pm (CST)
Auction Closed

Item Description

Some of the best color Sphalerite in the world comes from Spain. The fiery hues and larger sized stones make these some of the most desirable rare gems for collectors. For the most part they're too soft for jewelry, but the reason that people love them so much is becuase of the high disperion (it's actually more than three times the dispersion of Diamond!). Dispersion is a gemstone optical property used to describe the bright flashes of reflected light in the form of rainbow / spectral colors that appear when a gem is rotated in the light. This stone has excellent dispersion, color and cutting. The color of the stone is lively golden orange hue. There are some very slight inclusions, but honestly, it is very hard to obtain totally eye clean stones of this material, and the inclusions in this stone reflect light so well that they actually allow the stone to have more color play! The cut on the stone is "Cut Corner Square Brilliant". Stones with this vibrant color are not often seen from Spain these days, so make sure to take advantage of this opportunity to own a good size, beautiful rare collector stone.

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