Mimetite (2012 find)

Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
Cabinet, 12.5 x 8.1 x 7.5 cm
Start Time: 10/14/2016 6:30:00 pm (CDT)
End Time: 10/20/2016 6:30:00 pm (CDT)
Auction Closed

Item Description

Two generations of mimetite are festooned on this impressive, sculptural and rich large specimen from the 2012 find at famed Mina Ojuela. The dramatic 6.5 cm vug is lined with juicy, nubby, yellow-orange botyroids, with the rest of the very 3-dimensional matrix is covered with diverging sprays of straw-yellow mimetite spikes. Classic, excellent and very showy mimetite from this renowned locale. This is a large and uncommon example of the two mimetite varietals on one piece. The hefty matrix is sulfide ore. valued $1250

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