large Chrysoberyl var. Alexandrite sixling ex Nowakowski

Masvingo, Zimbabwe
Miniature, 3.0 x 3.0 x 2.0 cm
Start Time: 11/23/2019 6:30:00 pm (CST)
End Time: 11/30/2019 6:30:00 pm (CST)
Auction Closed

Item Description

Classic textbook chrysoberyl variety alexandrite showing the famous, classic alexandrite sixling-twinning. Alexandrite is the green variety (can be gemmy) of chrysoberyl that exibits a color change in natural and artificial light from green to amethystine (Alexandrite effect). This sharp, two-sided, lustrous to moderately lustrous, partially translucent grayish-green mostly opaque crystal has rich green color under bright light, which is much better in person. It does show color change, but it is harder to document on camera than in person. This is a fine, large, showy crystal of this classic! 26 grams

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