Epidote w/ Orthoclase (RARE combo) Stoudt Coll.

Baja California, Mexico
Cabinet, 10.3 x 8.1 x 5.4 cm
Start Time: 06/15/2014 6:30:00 pm (CDT)
End Time: 06/19/2014 6:33:05 pm (CDT)
Auction Closed

Item Description

A very RARE large combination specimen from an unknown locale in Baja California, Mexico. Crusts of pastel-pink orthoclase crystals cover both sides of the vein of radiating sprays of lustrous, olive-green epidote blades. Only one of the fourteen epidote localities listed in MINDAT for Baja California also lists K-feldspar, the El Arco porphyry copper deposit. None of the 30 epidote photos in the MINDAT photo gallery for the State resembles these radiating epidote clusters. Perhaps a UNIQUE combination specimen from the Baja. A MUST for the locality or species collector. From the Dave Stoudt Mexico Collection # 326 and probably older material.

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