Dioptase on Quartz

Mbumba, Pimbi hill, Mindouli, Mindouli District, Pool Department, Republic of Congo (Brazzaville)
Cabinet, 11.8 x 10.3 x 5.7 cm
Start Time: 01/08/2015 6:45:00 pm (CST)
End Time: 01/15/2015 6:45:00 pm (CST)
Auction Closed

Item Description

A gorgeous and rarely seen matrix specimen featuring dozens if not hundreds of brilliantly lustrous, amazingly rich emerald green color, thin prismatic trigonal crystals of Dioptase measuring up to 8 mm are intergrown into a semi "jackstraw"-esque group sitting on very gemmy and lustrous slightly smoky Quartz crystals on matrix. The reverse side of the piece shows soft blue Plancheite (for which Mindouli is the type locality). Very little damage, and really eye-catching for the simple fact that the Dioptase is on Quartz, which is very rare for this locality. This piece came priced at $2950. Enjoy!

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