Cuprite coated w/ Malachite (classic locale) Irv Brown Coll.

Onganja Mine (Emke Mine), Seeis, Windhoek Rural, Khomas Region, Namibia
Thumbnail, 1.5 x 1.3 x 1.1 cm
Start Time: 11/23/2019 6:30:00 pm (CST)
End Time: 11/30/2019 6:40:00 pm (CST)
Auction Closed

Item Description

A classic, textbook malachite coated cuprite octahedron from the famous 1970s finds at this extinct mine. Some of the finest cuprites in the Mineral Kingdom came from this find. The sharp crystal is coated with cute nubby sprays of primary malachite lathes and the calcite shard is a nice contrast. Complete all-around and pristine, the small attachment is at one end. Classic, exceptional and desirable cuprite coated with malachite from the Thumbnail Collection of noted collector, Irv Brown. rarely do you see a cute thumbnal example!

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