Bournonite with Siderite

Machacamarca Mine, near Colavi, Potosi Department, Bolivia
Miniature, 3.5 x 3.4 x 2.8 cm
Start Time: 05/30/2013 6:45:00 pm (CDT)
End Time: 06/06/2013 6:50:24 pm (CDT)
Auction Closed

Item Description

This specimen was collected in 2010, and it's one of the better association specimens from Machacamarca that we've offered in the auctions in a while. This mine is one of the most exciting Bolivian localities of the last 10 years. This piece features a well-crystallized, good sized, attractive, tabular, metallic, silvery-grey color crystal of Bournonite with a few accessory crystals and is associated with beautiful greenish-brown bladed "rosettes" of Sidreite. The piece is very aesthetic, and the Bournonite crystal is nearly complete all the way around. Certainly one of the better from the 2010 find that I have handled. The piece looks repaired, but it is in fact complete and not glued together. A few of the smaller crystals are nicked up, but still a good overall specimen for what it is. For the quality, these new specimens have created a lot of excitement, so much so that one of the best pieces from Brian Kosnar was featured on the cover of the March/April 2009 Issue of the Mineralogical Record! Bournonite is rarely seen in good crystals in this size from any locality in the world. Valued at $600 for the size and attractive form

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