Mixed Mineral Auction!

Rarities, classics, new finds, and a selection of large specimens are highlighted in this eclectic auction from well-known collections. An excellent mix of good new and old treasures is featured from the Vasco Trancoso, Chet Lemanski, Bill and Anne Cook, and other collections. 


1. Selection of RHODOCHROSITE specimens

2. Gemmy multi-crystal PERIDOT from Pakistan

3. New find of SCHORL

4. Large DOLOMITE and ARSENOPYRITE from Panasqueira

5. Chinese wire SILVER

6. Rare gemmy INDERITE and large gemmy COLEMANITE specimens

7 Large MORION SMOKY QUARTZ from Brazil and Arkansas QUARTZ pieces

8. Classic old well-crystallized COPPER from Michigan

9. Large RUTILE epitaxial on HEMATITE

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Linópolis, Divino das Laranjeiras, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Ex. Vasco Trancoso
7.5 x 2.5 x 1.1 cm
Winning Bid: $694
Inderite (rare Borate - superb)
Rio Tinto Borax open pit, Kramer Borate deposit, Boron, Kern Co., California, USA
Ex. Vasco Trancoso
7.8 x 1.2 x 0.9 cm
Winning Bid: $249
Jouravskite (rare sulfate)
N'Chwaning II Mine, Kuruman, KMF, South Africa
Ex. Phil Scalisi, Vasco Trancoso
5.8 x 5.6 x 2.3 cm
Winning Bid: $265
Kaolinite ps. Agate (rare)
Salto do Jacuí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Ex. Bill & Anne Cook
15.5 x 12.0 x 11.0 cm, 2044 grams
Winning Bid: $900
Ushkatyn No. 3 deposit, Ushkatyn deposits, Zhayrem, Karaganda Region, Kazakhstan
Ex. Vasco Trancoso
7.4 x 5.8 x 5.5 cm
Winning Bid: $279
Plancheite & Malachite
Milpillas Mine, Cuitaca, Sonora, Mexico
Ex. Vasco Trancoso
14.2 x 8.8 x 6.2 cm
Winning Bid: $455
large Rutile epitaxial on Hematite
Novo Horizonte, Bahia, Brazil
Ex. Vasco Trancoso
13.8 x 13.5 x 11.3 cm, 2332 grams
Winning Bid: $6,300
Pyrolusite (excellent)
Tres Cruzes, Sao Paulo, Brazil
9.2 x 8.8 x 4.3 cm
Winning Bid: $6,200