We have a great selection this week, featuring plenty of attractive, fine quality, classic, contemporary, rare and unusual specimens from around the world. Look for some great specimens from various collections that we've purchased like, Al Kidwell, Bob Reynolds, Dr, Chet Lemanski, Dave Bergman and Gary Weaver. You might even find the occasional fossil, lapidary or gem item from time to time. Look here for the not so typical mineral specimens along with plenty of your favorites. We don't just offer the "standard 20 species", but an eclectic mix of specimens that appeal to everybody!
Some of the highlights from this week’s auction include:
1. Doubly-terminated GEM QUALITY AQUAMARINE crystal from Brazil (ex Richard Kosnar Collection)
2. Robust rich orange-red SPESSARTINE GARNET specimen from Pakistan
3. Beautiful DIOPTASE with MIMETITE specimen from Rep. of Congo
4. Excellent CHALCEDONY pseudomorph / fossil after Gastropod (Hippochrenes volgensis) from Russia
5. Classic sherry colored TOPAZ from Utah
6. Historic CHALCOPYRITE from the Georg Mine, Germany
7. Superb crystals of MANGANITE from the Wessels Mine, South Africa
8. Rare GEMMY PURPLE ALBITE crystal on matrix from Pakistan
9. Wonderful classic gemmy yellow MIMETITE crystals on matrix from Tsumeb
10. Rarities include KIDWELLITE (from Kidwell's collection!!), GAHNITE, BENJAMINITE and VOLBORTHITE and COLUSITE